I hope this finds you safe and well in these strange times. Everyone has had to make so many changes during this time, for me the changes have been relatively minor but in terms of my art practice it has meant that I needed to carve out a new work space in our (shamefully messy) storage loft. Beyond that it has meant finding the will to make art when the world is in so much turmoil- it definitely took a backseat to my slightly obsessive gardening and cleaning for a while there. I guess we all deal with anxiety in our own ways. But I did eventually find my way back to art by playing with collage- introducing a new medium was just the thing I needed for my time in the studio to feel playful and fun again. I want to thank you for subscribing to my newsletter by giving away one of the pieces that I've made, the winner will be able to choose their favourite.
. You are automatically entered once for subscribing to the newsletter but if you go to my Facebook and/or Instagram page you can be entered again by liking the giveaway post and tagging a friend that might like to enter as well. The draw will be on Sunday at 6pm, good luck! Following Sunday I will add a new piece for sale each day on social media and my website.
All my best,